Friday, June 10, 2011


The story is told of a young hippie who was sitting on a park bench
reading his Bible.  Suddenly he began to shout!  "Praise the Lord!  What
a miracle!"  An older, very distinguished man walking by stopped and
asked why he was so excited. The young man replied, "I was just reading
how God parted the Red Sea and the whole nation of Israel walked on dry
ground!"  The older man sneered, "Don't you know? That wasn't a real sea
at all.  It was just a few inches of water!" 

 The unbeliever turned in irritation, walked away, leaving the young man confused and discouraged - for a moment - until his shouts once again filled the air. The angry cynic returned asking, "What are you shouting about now?"  "Well, sir, I just read how God drowned the whole Egyptian army in just a few inches of water!"  Don't let anyone keep you from praising God!  Don't let any circumstance deny you the joy of praise!  If you want to win over worry, praise Him!

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