A young man, accepted for the African mission field reported at New York for passage, but doctors determined that his wife would not be able to handle the climate. He was heartbroken, but he prayerfully returned to his home and determined to make all the money he could to be used in spreading the kingdom of God over the world.
His father, a dentist, had started to make an unfermented wine for the communion service. The young man took the business over and developed it until it assumed vast proportions - his name was "Welch"' whose family still manufactures grapejuice in the USA and in 35 countries around the world. He has given literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to the work of missions and enabled scores of missionaries to serve God on the mission field.
What seemed like a major obstacle became a wonderful open door of support for the work of God. If God has shut the door to full time ministry for you, you can still multiply your efforts by enabling others to go and supporting them in prayer and finance. If you are blessed with this world's goods and you wonder what your ministry could possibly be, you've got it! Don't hold back. You can be an encourager! Encouragers are generous people. They are generous with words; they are generous with actions, and they are generous with their money.
Thanks for this reminder, Nico. You are such a Barnabus!